
The EOP project uses measures that have been previously validated in prior studies. One key project innovation is the Online Data Collection that has been developed for EOP system [provide Link to the online data collection menu item here]. This system enables a course instructor to have instant access to real-time, self-report surveillance data that students report in their pre-test measures. Thus these data collection instruments can be used formatively so that an instructor who is using the EOP Educational Materials can access and understand, for example, the prior knowledge and experiences of their students with agricultural injury and rural community life experiences. In our own experiences with our graduate students, for instance, we were able to see immediately after students completed the Farm and Rural Life Experience demographic questionnaire whether or not students lived or worked on farms, had experienced or known someone who had been injured or died in a farm-related incident and the extent to which students were aware of or thinking and talking about safety issues. We can not emphasize strongly enough the power of these data to bring real world stories and experiences into the classroom discourse.

The measures are described below:

[for each measure provide link to PDF]